Saturday, July 20, 2024

“Mahama has connived with Al Qaeda to stage a coup in Ghana” – Abronye

The Bono regional chairman of the NPP, Abronye DC, has alleged that former President John Dramani Mahama has connived with the Al Qaeda militants to stage a coup in Ghana.

The NPP stalwart made the allegations whiles in an interview on Hot FM’s political talk show, “Dwene Ho Bio”. According to him, John Mahama is staging the coup just to become president again.

He was responding to issues leading to the arrest of the #FixTheCountry convenor, Oliver Vormawor.

He said, Oliver Vormawor is a former presidential staffer under Mahama and that is why Mahama and the Al Qaeda are planning to use him to stage the coup.

“Mahama and Al Qaeda have joined and are using this man as the frontman. You know this man was a presidential staffer when Mahama was president. Do you know that?” he questioned the host.

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