Friday, July 26, 2024

Someone Like me can Help NDC Win 2024 Elections-Kojo Bonsu.

Kojo Bonsu, a former Kumasi mayor says that the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), stands a better chance of winning the 2024 election effortlessly if someone like him is chosen as the flagbearer.

According to him, John Mahama’s personality has been battered severely, will be rejected once again if he leads the party in 2024 elections.

However, commenting on the chances of the NDC with John Dramani Mahama as its flagbearer for 2024 polls, Kojo Bonsu said it will only take a candidate like him if the NDC is really hungry to regain power from the NPP administration because JM is currently not fit for purpose.

He further argued that Mahama will not be a marketable candidate for the NDC due to how tattered his reputation looks like now.

“I stand a better chance than Mahama because I have not been soiled, so that is where I come in. It’s so sad, he is a great gentleman, speaks very well, very affable, but he has been put in the mud so much. They have tagged him with corruption, women’s affairs and we the NDC have not been able to defend it and get him out of it’’, he said on one popular Tv stations.

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