Saturday, July 20, 2024

Actress Adwoa Pee pleads for help

Veteran actress, Helena Maame Adwoa Petreba Peterson, popularly known as Adjoa Pee, has pleaded with the general public to come to her aid with money support in order to for her to undergo a surgery of an ailmentĀ  she is suffering from over a year.

According to her in an interview with Step 1 TV, she is battling from spondylosis and has however spent all her life savings on the medical bills.

ā€œPlease I need your support. Itā€™s been 41 times I have been to the hospital within three years fighting one disease or the other. This time I am fighting spondylosis. Please I need financial support. Please support me. My loved ones and everyone please support me. Please send to 0599325466ā€¦I am suffering,ā€ she said in the video.

ā€œIā€™m battling spondylosis. Itā€™s been a year. I feel pains all over my body. Iā€™m told I have to undergo surgery. Iā€™ve compared the prices of some countries to othersā€. In America, we are looking at between sixty thousand and one hundred and ten thousand dollars. (USD60,000 ā€“ USD110,000). I beg you; I need help. I have a problem. Iā€™m telling you now that I have a problem so, please come to my aid so Iā€™ll have the amount for the surgery and get healedā€, the actress added.

She therefore added that, she sometimes feels like dieing in her sleep.

ā€œSometimes, I wish I just go to sleep and Iā€™ll not wake upā€. For the past three years, Iā€™ve been sick. It started in 2018; itā€™s been one problem to the other for three years. It started with kidney stones. Within three years, Iā€™ve been admitted to the hospital 41 times. 90% of these times cost me about GHĀ¢2,000 so just do the mathematics. I received support from donors, I spent all I had on treatmentā€, she said.

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