Thursday, July 25, 2024

College of Education Teachers to go on Strike -CETAG Warns

The leadership of the Colleges of Education Teachers Association of Ghana (CETAG) have indicated their readiness to embark on a nationwide strike on January 6, 2022.

In a statement issued in Accra, the Association said failure of government to redeem its promises to them, is the reason for their intended industrial action.

According to CETAG, government signed a memorandum of understanding with them on September 24, 2021, in respect of their conditions of service for 2017 to 2020. The effective date for the implementation of the agreement was January 1, 2021.

CETAG claimed that in the signed agreement, government was expected to authorise the payment of accumulated arrears of nine (9) months in October, November and December, 2021. However, the group avers that government is yet to honour its promise in that regard.

“The month of October and November 2021 ended without any payment being made to the members of the Association. CETAG members are anxiously and patiently waiting for payment of the agreed allowances (January, 2021 to December, 2021) at the end of December, 2021, without which the Association shall activate its intended strike action”, the statement said.

CETAG further indicated that the intended strike action will involve all the 46 Colleges of Education under its watch, if their concerns are not addressed by the end of December, 2021.

“We, instructively, therefore serve notice that CETAG members across all the 46 Colleges of Education have resolved to embark on an indefinite industrial action effective January, 6, 2022 in response to Government’s violation of the signed MoU as well as the roadmap for the payment of the agreed allowances, if the said payments are not made in full at the end of December, 2021′, the group stated.

If CETAG’s nationwide strike takes place, it would add to the tally of industrial actions undertaken by the group over similar grievances with government. Over the last three years, members of the Association have abandoned their work tools over related issues of unpaid allowances, delay in the payment of salaries amongst others.


Source: My Joy Online

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